Drama Korea When the Weather is Fine Subtitle Indonesia
Nonton Drama Korea When the Weather is Fine Subtitle Indo – Hye-Won (Park Min-Young) adalah wanita biasa dengan karakter yang baik. Dia telah memainkan cello sejak dia masih kecil. Hye-Won memulai kehidupan sosialnya dengan kemampuannya memainkan cello, tetapi, selama waktu itu, dia terluka secara emosional oleh orang lain. Karena itu, Hye-Won tidak mempercayai orang dan dia telah menutup hatinya kepada orang lain. Hye-Won menjadi muak dan bosan dengan kehidupannya di Seoul dan memutuskan untuk kembali ke kampung halamannya di Desa Bookhyun. Di sana, Hye-Won bertemu Eun-Seob (Seo Kang-Joon). Dia menjalankan toko buku “Goodnight Bookstore.” Kehidupan sehari-hari Eun-Seob sederhana. Dia bangun dan minum kopi, membaca buku dan menulis di blog-nya. Kehidupan sehari-hari Eun-Seob mulai berubah setelah dia bertemu Hye-Won.
Title: 날씨가 좋으면 찾아가겠어요 / If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You
Also known as: I’ll Visit You When the Weather Is Nice / I’ll Go To You When The Weather Is Nice / I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 16 (To Be Confirmed)
Broadcast network: jTBC
Broadcast period: 2020-Feb-24 to 2020-April-14
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:30
Park Min Young as Mok Hae Won
Seo Kang Joon as Im Eun Sub
Mok Hae Won’s Family
Moon Jung Hee as Sim Myung Yeo
Jin Hee Kyung as Sim Myung Joo (Hae Won’s mother)
Im Eun Sub’s Family
Kim Hwan Hee as Im Hwi
Nam Gi Ae as Yoon Yeo Jung
Kang Shin Il as Im Jong Pil (Eun Sup’s father)
High School Alumni
Lee Jae Wook as Lee Jang Woo
Im Se Mi as Kim Bo Young
Kim Young Dae as Oh Yeong Woo
Yang Hye Ji as Ji Eun Sil
Download Drama Korea When the Weather is Fine Sub Indo
Subtitle by : RuoXi, Sultan_Khilaf
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 01
360p : Mega | Letsupload | Racaty | Uploadcenter | Files | Solidfiles| Zippyshare | GDrive | Mirror
540p : Mega | Zippyshare | Letsupload | Uptobox | Racaty | Uploadcenter | Files | Solidfiles | GDrive | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 02
360p : Mega | Letsupload | Racaty | Uploadcenter | Files | Solidfiles| Zippyshare | GDrive | Mirror
540p : Mega | Zippyshare | Letsupload | Uptobox | Racaty | Uploadcenter | Files | Solidfiles | GDrive | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 03
Mega | Letsupload | Racaty | Uploadcenter | Files | Solidfiles| Zippyshare | GDrive | Mirror
540p : Mega | Zippyshare | Letsupload | Uptobox | Racaty | Uploadcenter | Files | Solidfiles | GDrive | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 04
360 : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
540 : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 05
360 : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
540 : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 06
360p :Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
540p : Mega | Zippyshare | Letsupload | Uptobox | Racaty | Uploadcenter | Files | Solidfiles | GDrive | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 07
360p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
540p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 08
360p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
540p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 09
360p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
540p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 10
360p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
540p : Mega | Zippyshare | Letsupload | Uptobox | Racaty | Uploadcenter | Files | Solidfiles | GDrive | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 11
360p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
540p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 12
360p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
540p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 13
360p : Mega | Letsupload | Racaty | Uploadcenter | Files | Solidfiles| Zippyshare | GDrive | Mirror
540p : Mega | Zippyshare | Letsupload | Uptobox | Racaty | Uploadcenter | Files | Solidfiles | GDrive | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 14
360p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
540p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 15
360p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
540p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
If the Weather Is Good, I’ll Find You Episode 16
360p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
540p : Vidload | Files | 1Ficher | MegaUp | Gdrive | Datafilehost | Racaty | Solidfiles | ZippyShare | Mirror
Sub Indo | Eng Sub
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G sabar nntiin ini drama,,,oppa Sarange 😘😘😘!!!
Fighting Mimin,,,
Tumben lama yang ngesub…
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Terimakasih 🙂
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Love.. Love.. Love..
Love mimin juga.. 😁😁
Sehat sll ya min, 🙏🙏🙏
min kok apload nya lama hehe udah ga sabar nihh
Recomended gak ni drama???
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Min jaga kesehatan yah